STORMTROOPERS, a new Irish Fan Film released a trailer today.
The film follows a platoon of Stormtroopers who raid a remote Rebel Mining outpost.
Stormtroopers stars Carolyn Bracken, Peter Cosgrove, Klancy Casey Williams, Micheal Fitzgerald, Michael Stack & Melissa Ciepierski.
Stormtroopers is written & directed by Micheal Fitzgerald and was produced by Cork Racing.
Cork based, media production and animation powerhouse Dog Day Media completed the VFX & Post-production.

Stormtroopers was produced and filmed entirely in Ireland on location in Cork, Waterford & Tipperary.

The film recently premiered 200ft underground in Mitchelstown Cave and this was the first time a film had been screened in a cave in Ireland.
More Information - http://www.roguestormtroopers.com/
High Res Stills Photography Downloads - https://www.roguestormtrooper.com/stills